Note : Here you have to select the topic for which you need Verilog code and you will be directly shifted to that code. In the coding area in the right-hand side top corner, you will find a button named "Copy", you can just select that and copy the entire code to your clipboard.

Advice : Open in laptop

  1. 1. "2:1 mux using gate-level modeling"
  2. 2. "4:1 mux using gate-level modeling"
  3. 3. "4:1 mux using TristateBuffers"
  4. 4. "4:1 mux using IF_ELSE"
  5. 5. "4:1 mux using Behavioral modeling(CASE STATEMENT)"
  6. 6. "4:1 mux(Input = 8 bit) using ternary"
  7. 7. "4:1 mux(Input = 8 bit) using Behavioral modeling(CASE STATEMENT)"
  8. 8. "8:1 mux using 2:1"
  9. 9. "8:1 mux using 4:1"

  10. 10. "Decoder2to4"
  11. 11. "Decoder3to8"
  12. 12. "4*16 decoder using 2*4"
  13. 13. "4*16 decoder using 3*8"

  14. 14. "Full Adder Using Decoder and OR-gat"
  15. 15. "4-bit_RCA"
  16. 16. " D flip flop"

  17. 17. "Counter_4bit"
  18. 18. "Counter_4bit_(Time generator)"

  19. 19. "Decoder_4to16with_Enable"
  20. 20. "MUX16to1_8bit"
  21. 21. "DFF_1bit_Register"
  22. 22. "MUX2to1_dataFlow Modeling"
  23. 23. "Register_1bit_SynR"
  24. 24. "Register_8bit"
  25. 25. "RegisterFile"

  26. 26. "Shifter_left"
  27. 27. "Shifter_right"
  28. 28. "Memory Generic Code(Data_memory)"
  29. 29. "unsigned_comparator_4bit"

  30. 30. "FSM_Method1"
  31. 31. "FSM_Method2"
  32. 32. "FSM_Method3"
  1. 2:1 mux using gate-level modeling
    module m21(Y, D0, D1, S);
    output Y;
    input D0, D1, S;
    wire T1, T2, Sbar;
    and (T1, D1, S), (T2, D0, Sbar);
    not (Sbar, S);
    or (Y, T1, T2);
  2. 4:1 mux using gate-level modeling
    module m41(out, a, b, c, d, s0, s1);
    output out;
    input a, b, c, d, s0, s1;
    wire sobar, s1bar, T1, T2, T3, T4;
    not (s0bar, s0), (s1bar, s1);
    and (T1, a, s0bar, s1bar);
    and (T2, b, s0bar, s1);
    and (T3, c, s0, s1bar);
    and (T4, d, s0, s1);
    or(out, T1, T2, T3, T4);
  3. 4:1 mux using TristateBuffers
    module MUX4to1_usingTristateBuffers(I, S, Y);
    input [3:0] I;
    input [1:0] S;
    output wire Y;
    ///gate-level modeling//////////
    ///Structural modeling///////////
    bufif1 inst0(Y, I[0], (~S[1]&~S[0]));
    bufif1 inst1(Y, I[1], (~S[1]&S[0]));
    bufif1 inst2(Y, I[2], (S[1]&~S[0]));
    bufif1 inst3(Y, I[3], (S[1]&S[0]));
  4. 4:1 mux using IF_ELSE
    module MUX4to1_usingIF_ELSE(I, S, Y);
    input [3:0] I;
    input [1:0] S;
    output reg Y;
    ///Behavioral modeling///////////
    ////Here the * will be equivalent to S and I both
        if (S==2'b00)
          Y = I[0];
        else if (S==2'b01)
          Y = I[1];
        else if (S==2'b10)
          Y = I[2];
          Y = I[3];
  5. 4:1 mux using Behavioral modeling(CASE STATEMENT)
    module MUX4to1BehvCase(I, S, Y);
    input [3:0] I;
    input [1:0] S;
    output reg Y;
    ///Behavioral modeling///////////
    ////Here the * will be equivalent to S and I both
       case (S)
        2'b00: Y = I[0];
        2'b01: Y = I[1];
        2'b10: Y = I[2];
        default: Y = I[3];
  6. 4:1 mux(Input = 8 bit) using ternary
    input [7:0] A, B, C, D;
    input [1:0] S;
    output wire [7:0] Y;
    ////We can also use the following data-flow methods
    assign Y = (S==2'b00)? A : ((S==2'b01)? B : ((S==2'b10)? C : D));
    ///assign Y = (S[1]==1'b0)? (S[0]==1'b0? A:B) : (S[0]==1'b0? C:D);
    ////Or we can use/////////
    ///assign Y = (S[1]==1'b1)? (S[0]==1'b1? D:C) : (S[0]==1'b1? B:A);
  7. 4:1 mux(Input = 8 bit) using Behavioral modeling(CASE STATEMENT)
    module MUX4to1_8_bit_Behavioral(A, B, C, D, S, Y);
    input [7:0] A, B, C, D;
    input [1:0] S;
    output reg [7:0] Y;
    ///Behavioral modeling///////////
    ////Here the * will be equivalent to S, A, B, C, D
       case (S)
        2'b00: Y = A;
        2'b01: Y = B;
        2'b10: Y = C;
        default: Y = D;
  8. 8:1 mux using 2:1
    module 2to1Mux(I,Y,S)
    input [1:0]I;
    output wire Y;
    input S;
    assign Y= (S==1'b0)?I[0]:I[1];
    module 8to1Mux(I,Y,S)
    input [7:0] I;
    input [2:0] S;
    output wire Y;
    wire temp1,temp2,temp3,temp4,temp5,temp6;
    2to1Mux({I[1], I[0]},temp1,S[0]);
    2to1Mux({I[3], I[2]},temp2,S[0]);
    2to1Mux({I[5], I[4]},temp3,S[0]);
    2to1Mux({I[7], I[6]},temp4,S[0]);
  9. 8:1 mux using 4:1
    module m21(Y, D0, D1, S);
    module 4to1Mux(I,Y,S)
    input [3:0] I;
    input [1:0] S;
    output wire Y;
    2'b00: I[0];
    2'b01: I[1];
    2'b10: I[2];
    default : I[3];
    module 8to1Mux(I,Y,S)
    input [7:0]I;
    input [2:0];
    output wire Y;
    wire temp1, temp2;
    4to1Mux(I[3:0], temp1,S[1:0]);
    4to1Mux(I[7:4], temp2,S[1:0]);
    4to1Mux({2'b00,temp2,temp1},Y, S[2]);
  10. Decoder2to4

    module dec2_4 (a,b,en,y0,y1,y2,y3)
    input a, b, en;
    output y0,y1,y2,y3;
    assign y0= (~a) & (~b) & en;
    assign y1= (~a) & b & en;
    assign y2= a & (~ b) & en;
    assign y3= a & b & en;
  11. Decoder3to8

    module decoder3to8(A, D);
    input [2:0] A;
    output wire [7:0] D;
    ////structural coding ///
    ///gate-level modeling////
    and inst0(D[0],~A[2], ~A[1],~A[0]);
    and inst1(D[1],~A[2], ~A[1],A[0]);
    and inst2(D[2],~A[2], A[1],~A[0]);
    and inst3(D[3],~A[2], A[1],A[0]);
    and inst4(D[4],A[2], ~A[1],~A[0]);
    and inst5(D[5],A[2], ~A[1],A[0]);
    and inst6(D[6],A[2], A[1],~A[0]);
    and inst7(D[7],A[2], A[1],A[0]);
  12. 4*16 decoder using 2*4

    Module decoder4to16(A,D)
    input [3:0]A;
    Output wire [15:0]D;
    Wire  [3:0]Y;
    Dec2to4_withE inst1(A[1:0], D[3:0], Y[0]);
    Dec2to4_withE inst2(A[1:0], D[7:3], Y[1]);
    Dec2to4_withE inst3(A[1:0], D[11:8], Y[2]);
    Dec2to4_withE inst4(A[1:0], D[15:12], Y[3]);
    Dec2to4_withE inst5(A[3:2], Y, 1’b1);
  13. 4*16 decoder using 3*8

    Module decoder4to16(A,D)
    input [3:0]A;
    Output wire [15:0]D;
    Wire  [1:0]Y;
    Dec3to8 inst1(A[2:0], D[7:0], Y[0]);
    Dec3to8 inst2(A[2:0], D[15:8], Y[1]);
    Dec1to2 inst3(A[3],Y);
  14. Full Adder Using Decoder and OR-gate

    module FA(X, Y, Cin, Cout, Sum);
    input X, Y, Cin;
    output wire Cout, Sum;
    wire [7:0] D;
    ///structural coding///////////
    decoder3to8 inst0({X, Y, Cin}, D);
    or inst1(Cout, D[3], D[5], D[6], D[7]);
    or inst2(Sum, D[1], D[2], D[4], D[7]);
  15. 4-bit_RCA

    module fourbitRCA(A, B, Cin, Cout, Sum);
    input [3:0] A, B;
    input Cin;
    output wire Cout;
    output wire [3:0] Sum;
    wire tempC1, tempC2, tempC3;
    ///////////structural coding///////////
    //////////FA= Full Adder/////////
    FA inst0(A[0], B[0], Cin, tempC1, Sum[0]);
    FA inst1(A[1], B[1], tempC1, tempC2, Sum[1]);
    FA inst2(A[2], B[2], tempC2, tempC3, Sum[2]);
    FA inst3(A[3], B[3], tempC3, Cout, Sum[3]);
  16. D flip flop

    module DFF(D, clk, Q, Reset);
    input D, clk, Reset;
    output reg Q;
    ///behavioral modeling to be used for D-Flipflop///////
    ////synchronous reset/////
    always@(posedge clk)
        if (Reset == 1'b1)
            Q <= 1'b0;
            Q <= D;
  17. Counter_4bit

    module DFF(D, clk, Q, Reset);
    input D, clk, Reset;
    output reg Q;
    ///behavioral modeling to be used for D-Flipflop
    ////synchronous reset///
    always@(posedge clk)
        if (Reset == 1'b1)
            Q<= 1'b0;
            Q <= D;
    module counter4bit(clk, Reset, Enable, Update, newvalue, Q);
    input clk, Reset, Enable, Update;
    input [3:0] newvalue;
    output wire [3:0] Q;
    wire [3:0] Sum, D, Y;
    wire Cout;
    DFF inst0(D[3], clk, Q[3], Reset);
    DFF inst1(D[2], clk, Q[2], Reset);
    DFF inst2(D[1], clk, Q[1], Reset);
    DFF inst3(D[0], clk, Q[0], Reset);
    ////MUX function///////
    assign D = (Update==1'b1)?newvalue:Sum;
    ///you have to add 4-bitRCA component here before you use it//////
    fourbitRCA inst4(Q, Y, 1'b0, Cout, Sum);
    //MUX function///////////
    assign Y = (Enable==1'b1)?4'b0001:4'b0000;
  18. Counter_4bit_(Time generator)

    module DFF(D, clk, Q, Reset);
    input D, clk, Reset;
    output reg Q;
    ///behavioral modeling to be used for D-Flipflop
    ////synchronous reset///
    always@(posedge clk)
        if (Reset == 1'b1)
            Q<= 1'b0;
            Q <= D;
    module counter4bit(clk, Reset, Q, T0, T1, T2, T3, T4);
    input clk, Reset;
    output wire [3:0] Q;
    output wire T0, T1, T2, T3, T4;
    wire [3:0] Sum, D;
    wire Cout;
    DFF inst0(D[3], clk, Q[3], Reset);
    DFF inst1(D[2], clk, Q[2], Reset);
    DFF inst2(D[1], clk, Q[1], Reset);
    DFF inst3(D[0], clk, Q[0], Reset);
    ////MUX function///////
    assign D = (T4==1'b1)?4'b0000:Sum;
    ///you have to add 4-bitRCA component here before you use it//////
    fourbitRCA inst4(Q, 4'b0001, 1'b0, Cout, Sum);
    ////Decoder kind of function///////
    assign T0 = (Q==4'b0000)?1'b1:1'b0;
    assign T1 = (Q==4'b0001)?1'b1:1'b0;
    assign T2 = (Q==4'b0010)?1'b1:1'b0;
    assign T3 = (Q==4'b0011)?1'b1:1'b0;
    assign T4 = (Q==4'b0100)?1'b1:1'b0;
  19. Decoder_4to16with_Enable

    module Dec4to16withE(E, S, D);
    input E;
    input [3:0] S;
    output wire [15:0] D;
    assign D[0] = (S==4'b0000)? E : 1'b0;
    assign D[1] = (S==4'b0001)? E : 1'b0;
    assign D[2] = (S==4'b0010)? E : 1'b0;
    assign D[3] = (S==4'b0011)? E : 1'b0;
    assign D[4] = (S==4'b0100)? E : 1'b0;
    assign D[5] = (S==4'b0101)? E : 1'b0;
    assign D[6] = (S==4'b0110)? E : 1'b0;
    assign D[7] = (S==4'b0111)? E : 1'b0;
    assign D[8] = (S==4'b1000)? E : 1'b0;
    assign D[9] = (S==4'b1001)? E : 1'b0;
    assign D[10] = (S==4'b1010)? E : 1'b0;
    assign D[11] = (S==4'b1011)? E : 1'b0;
    assign D[12] = (S==4'b1100)? E : 1'b0;
    assign D[13] = (S==4'b1101)? E : 1'b0;
    assign D[14] = (S==4'b1110)? E : 1'b0;
    assign D[15] = (S==4'b1111)? E : 1'b0;
  20. MUX16to1_8bit

    module MUX16to1_8bit(Inp15, Inp14, Inp13, Inp12, Inp11, Inp10, Inp9, Inp8, Inp7, Inp6, Inp5, Inp4,Inp3, Inp2, Inp1, Inp0, S, Y);
    input [7:0] Inp15, Inp14, Inp13, Inp12, Inp11, Inp10, Inp9, Inp8, Inp7, Inp6, Inp5, Inp4, Inp3, Inp2, Inp1Inp0;
    input [3:0] S;
    output [7:0] Y;
    assign Y = (S == 4'b0000)? Inp0 : 8'bz;
    assign Y = (S == 4'b0001)? Inp1 : 8'bz;
    assign Y = (S == 4'b0010)? Inp2 : 8'bz;
    assign Y = (S == 4'b0011)? Inp3 : 8'bz;
    assign Y = (S == 4'b0100)? Inp4 : 8'bz;
    assign Y = (S == 4'b0101)? Inp5 : 8'bz;
    assign Y = (S == 4'b0110)? Inp6 : 8'bz;
    assign Y = (S == 4'b0111)? Inp7 : 8'bz;
    assign Y = (S == 4'b1000)? Inp8 : 8'bz;
    assign Y = (S == 4'b1001)? Inp9 : 8'bz;
    assign Y = (S == 4'b1010)? Inp10 : 8'bz;
    assign Y = (S == 4'b1011)? Inp11 : 8'bz;
    assign Y = (S == 4'b1100)? Inp12 : 8'bz;
    assign Y = (S == 4'b1101)? Inp13 : 8'bz;
    assign Y = (S == 4'b1110)? Inp14 : 8'bz;
    assign Y = (S == 4'b1111)? Inp15 : 8'bz;
  21. DFF1_bit_Register

    module DFF1bitRegister(newValue, clk, Q, Load, Reset);
    input clk, Load, Reset, newValue;
    output wire Q;
    wire temp;
    DFF inst1(temp, clk, Q, Reset);
    MUX2t01 inst2(Load, {newValue, Q}, temp);
  22. MUX2to1_dataFlow Modeling

    module MUX2to1(S, I, Y);
    input [1:0] I;
    input S;
    output wire Y;
    assign Y = (S==1'b1)? I[1]: I[0];
  23. Register_1bit_SynR

    module Register1bitSynR(newValue, clk, Q, W, R, Reset);
    input clk, W, R, Reset, newValue;
    output wire Q;
    wire temp, temp1;
    wire Qinter
    DFF inst1(temp, clk, Qinter, Reset);
    ///////MUX2to1_dataFlow Modeling/////////
    MUX2to1 inst2(W, {newValue, Qinter}, temp);
    DFF inst3(temp1, clk, Q, Reset);
    //////MUX2to1_dataFlow Modeling/////////
    MUX2to1 inst4(R, {Qinter, Q}, temp1);
  24. Register_8bit

    module Register8bit(W, R, Datain, clk, Reset, Qout);
    input W, R, clk, Reset;
    input [7:0] Datain;
    output wire [7:0] Qout;
    Register1bitSynR inst0(Datain[0], clk, Qout[0], W, R, Reset);
    Register1bitSynR inst1(Datain[1], clk, Qout[1], W, R, Reset);
    Register1bitSynR inst2(Datain[2], clk, Qout[2], W, R, Reset);
    Register1bitSynR inst3(Datain[3], clk, Qout[3], W, R, Reset);
    Register1bitSynR inst4(Datain[4], clk, Qout[4], W, R, Reset);
    Register1bitSynR inst5(Datain[5], clk, Qout[5], W, R, Reset);
    Register1bitSynR inst6(Datain[6], clk, Qout[6], W, R, Reset);
    Register1bitSynR inst7(Datain[7], clk, Qout[7], W, R, Reset);
  25. RegisterFile

    input W, R, clk, Reset;
    input [3:0] AddW, AddR1, AddR2;
    input [7:0] Datain;
    output wire [7:0] Rx, Ry;
    wire [15:0] D;
    wire [7:0] Inp15, Inp14, Inp13, Inp12, Inp11, Inp10, Inp9, Inp8, Inp7, Inp6, Inp5, Inp4, Inp3, Inp2, Inp1,Inp0;
    Dec4to16withE inst0(W, AddW, D);
    MUX16to1_8bit(Inp15, Inp14, Inp13, Inp12, Inp11, Inp10, Inp9, Inp8, Inp7, Inp6, Inp5, Inp4, Inp3, Inp2, Inp1, Inp0, AddR1, Rx);
    MUX16to1_8bit(Inp15, Inp14, Inp13, Inp12, Inp11, Inp10, Inp9, Inp8, Inp7, Inp6, Inp5, Inp4, Inp3, Inp2, Inp1, Inp0, AddR2, Ry);
    Register8bit inst20(D[0], R, Datain, clk, Reset, Inp0);
    Register8bit inst21(D[1], R, Datain, clk, Reset, Inp1);
    Register8bit inst22(D[2], R, Datain, clk, Reset, Inp2);
    Register8bit inst23(D[3], R, Datain, clk, Reset, Inp3);
    Register8bit inst24(D[4], R, Datain, clk, Reset, Inp4);
    Register8bit inst25(D[5], R, Datain, clk, Reset, Inp5);
    Register8bit inst26(D[6], R, Datain, clk, Reset, Inp6);
    Register8bit inst27(D[7], R, Datain, clk, Reset, Inp7);
    Register8bit inst28(D[8], R, Datain, clk, Reset, Inp8);
    Register8bit inst29(D[9], R, Datain, clk, Reset, Inp9);
    Register8bit inst30(D[10], R, Datain, clk, Reset, Inp10);
    Register8bit inst31(D[11], R, Datain, clk, Reset, Inp11);
    Register8bit inst32(D[12], R, Datain, clk, Reset, Inp12);
    Register8bit inst33(D[13], R, Datain, clk, Reset, Inp13);
    Register8bit inst34(D[14], R, Datain, clk, Reset, Inp14);
    Register8bit inst35(D[15], R, Datain, clk, Reset, Inp15);
  26. Shifter_left

    module ShifterL(Operand1, Operand2, YShiftL, CShiftL);
    input [7:0] Operand1, Operand2;
    output wire [7:0] YShiftL;
    output wire CShiftL;
    assign YShiftL = (Operand2[2:0] == 3'b000)? Operand1 : 8'bz;
    assign YShiftL = (Operand2[2:0] == 3'b001)? {Operand1[6:0], 1'b0} : 8'bz;
    assign YShiftL = (Operand2[2:0] == 3'b010)? {Operand1[5:0], 2'b00} : 8'bz;
    assign YShiftL = (Operand2[2:0] == 3'b011)? {Operand1[4:0], 3'b000} : 8'bz;
    assign YShiftL = (Operand2[2:0] == 3'b100)? {Operand1[3:0], 4'b0000} : 8'bz;
    assign YShiftL = (Operand2[2:0] == 3'b101)? {Operand1[2:0], 5'b00000} : 8'bz;
    assign YShiftL = (Operand2[2:0] == 3'b110)? {Operand1[1:0], 6'b000000} : 8'bz;
    assign YShiftL = (Operand2[2:0] == 3'b111)? {Operand1[0], 7'b0000000} : 8'bz;
    assign CShiftL = Operand1[7];
  27. Shifter_right

    module ShifterR(Operand1, Operand2, YShiftR, CShiftR);
    input [7:0] Operand1, Operand2;
    output wire [7:0] YShiftR;
    output wire CShiftR;
    assign YShiftR = (Operand2[2:0] == 3'b000)? Operand1 : 8'bz;
    assign YShiftR = (Operand2[2:0] == 3'b001)? {1'b0, Operand1[7:1]} : 8'bz;
    assign YShiftR = (Operand2[2:0] == 3'b010)? {2'b00, Operand1[7:2]} : 8'bz;
    assign YShiftR = (Operand2[2:0] == 3'b011)? {3'b000, Operand1[7:3]} : 8'bz;
    assign YShiftR = (Operand2[2:0] == 3'b100)? {4'b0000, Operand1[7:4]} : 8'bz;
    assign YShiftR = (Operand2[2:0] == 3'b101)? {5'b00000, Operand1[7:5]} : 8'bz;
    assign YShiftR = (Operand2[2:0] == 3'b110)? {6'b000000, Operand1[7:6]} : 8'bz;
    assign YShiftR = (Operand2[2:0] == 3'b111)? {7'b0000000, Operand1[7]} : 8'bz;
    assign CShiftR = Operand1[0];
  28. Memory Generic Code(Data_memory)

    module data_memory (clk, reset, wr, rd, data_in, address_bus, data_out);
    input clk, reset, rd, wr;
    input [7:0] data_in;
    input [3:0] address_bus;
    output reg [7:0] data_out;
    ////Single-port-write and Single-port-read data memory
    reg [7:0] data_mem [0:15];
    always@(posedge clk)
            if(reset == 1'b1)
                    data_out <= 8'b0000000;
        $readmemh("dataformemory.txt", data_mem);
                            data_out1 <= data_mem[address_bus];
                            data_mem[address_bus] <= data_in;
    // initial
    // begin
    // $readmemh("dataformemory.txt", data_mem);
    // end
  29. unsigned_comparator_4bit

    module unsigned_comp4bit (A, B, AeB, AgB, BgA);
    input [3:0] A, B;
    output wire AeB, AgB, BgA;
    wire [3:0] exnoranswers;
    assign exnoranswers[3] = ~(A[3]^B[3]);
    assign exnoranswers[2] = ~(A[2]^B[2]);
    assign exnoranswers[1] = ~(A[1]^B[1]);
    assign exnoranswers[0] = ~(A[0]^B[0]);
    assign AeB = exnoranswers[3] & exnoranswers[2] & exnoranswers[1] & exnoranswers[0];
    assign AgB = A[3]&~B[3] | exnoranswers[3]&A[2]&~B[2] |
    exnoranswers[3]&exnoranswers[2]&A[1]&~B[1] |
    assign BgA = B[3]&~A[3] | exnoranswers[3]&B[2]&~A[2] |
    exnoranswers[3]&exnoranswers[2]&B[1]&~A[1] |
  30. FSM_Method1

    module FSM(clk, Reset, w, z, PresentState);input clk, w, Reset;output wire z;output wire [1:0] PresentState;wire [1:0] NextState;wire [7:0] D;//Registers/FFs///////////DFF inst1 (clk, Reset, NextState[0], PresentState[0]);DFF inst2 (clk, Reset, NextState[1], PresentState[1]);///////////////////////Combinational Next-stateLogic/////Dec3to8 inst3 ({w,PresentState[1],PresentState[0]}, D);assign NextState[1] = D[0] | D[3] | D[5] | D[6];or inst4(NextState[0], D[0], D[2], D[4], D[6]);//////////Combinational OutputLogic//////////assign z = (PresentState==2'b10)? 1'b1:1'b0;endmodule
  31. FSM_Method2

    module FSM_method2(clk, Reset, w, z, PresentState);
    input clk, w, Reset;
    output reg z;
    output wire [1:0] PresentState;
    wire [1:0] NextState;
    wire [7:0] D;
    DFF inst1 (clk, Reset, NextState[0], PresentState[0]);
    DFF inst2 (clk, Reset, NextState[1], PresentState[1]);
    ///////////////////////Combinational Next-stateLogic/////
    Mux8to1_1bit inst4 ({w,PresentState[1],PresentState[0]}, 8'b01101001, NextState[1]);
    Mux8to1_1bit inst5 ({w,PresentState[1],PresentState[0]}, 8'b01010101, NextState[0]);
    //////////Combinational OutputLogic//////////
            //z = (PresentState==2'b10)? 1'b1:1'b0;
            //z = PresentState[1] & (~PresentState[0]);
                if (PresentState==2'b10)
                    z = 1'b1;
                    z = 1'b0;
  32. FSM_Method3

    module FSM_method3(clk, Reset, w, z, PresentState);
    input clk, w, Reset;
    output wire z;
    output wire [1:0] PresentState;
    wire [1:0] NextState;
    wire [7:0] D;
    wire [1:0] Inp3, Inp2, Inp1, Inp0;
    DFF inst1 (clk, Reset, NextState[0], PresentState[0]);
    DFF inst2 (clk, Reset, NextState[1], PresentState[1]);
    ///////////////////////Combinational Next-stateLogic/////
    Mux4to1_2bit inst4 (PresentState[1:0], Inp3, Inp2, Inp1, Inp0, NextState[1:0]);
    Mux2to1_2bit inst5 (w, 2'b01, 2'b11, Inp0);
    Mux2to1_2bit inst6 (w, 2'b10, 2'b00, Inp1);
    Mux2to1_2bit inst7 (w, 2'b11, 2'b01, Inp2);
    Mux2to1_2bit inst8 (w, 2'b00, 2'b10, Inp3);
    //////////Combinational OutputLogic//////////
    Mux8to1_1bit inst9 ({1'b0,PresentState[1],PresentState[0]}, 8'b00000100, z);